Thursday 10 July 2008

Kidulthood/Adulthood - Does it influence or deter crime ?

When Kidulthood was released in 2006. The film begins with the suicide of a girl bullied at school, it showed a relatable society where violence, drug-taking and casual sex were common amongst the young. Adulthood has grown up a little bit. The violence, drug taking and casual sex are still present but now the film comes with a conscience.
Its main aim was to raise awareness to teenagers about gun, knife and gang violence in this day and age. Many arguments have sparked as people believe that the films just influence crime as more and more teenagers glorify the film, instead of understanding the real meaning. Others disagree and believe that both films are an excellent way of raising awareness to the target audience. As it is a different approach to alerting teens about the danger of knife and gang crime.

Below are some good arguments for and against the issue.

'I think that only a very small portion of the people watching this film would be influenced into violence by watching it. You cant just say that Kidulthood and Adulthood influence teenagers into violent behaviour as everyone is different and some people are more mature than others. I believe the film deters crime more than influences it as the consequences in kidulthood leads to Trifes death. Not many teens would see this as a glorifying moment.'

'It obvious that these type of films inspire youngsters to commit such acts as stabbing. The films just give the youngsters the wrong message and a false confidence boost to live up the life of these actors. I have recently went to watch Adulthood myself and the themes that the film contained was too violent to be a 15 certificate. This is risky as they may look up to this films and want to be just like them.'

'I am a young teen myself and i like violent films. I think that Kidulthood and Adulthood do not influence gang and knife crime today. For example we could blame violence on Tom and Jerry'

'My personnel opinion is that in no way does it influence crime in the UK, I think it is a joke to suggest that it does.
I'll tell you what influences crime in the UK, the way we glorify criminals and portray them as men of the people, likeable rogues cheekiy chappies getting one over on the law'

The director Noel Clarke says that:
"Hopefully, Adulthood could be the start of some sort of repair, because it shows young people you can actually walk away from things. Kidulthood was viewed as the glamorizing negative themes. I recall watching Kidulthood a few years back, and as I was watching it i kept thinking that the story-line is way too much exaggerated and it definatley might have some sort of bad influence on teenagers to perform the same activities within the film.'

If you have seen either Kidulthood or Adulthood, please leave your arguments in the comments section to whether you feel they influence or deter crime.

1 comment:

alex said...

Ive only seen Kidulthood but it is obviously not a film that deliberately or even accidentally glorifies knife crime as at the end of the film nothing good has come of any thing, Trife is dead, Sam is in jail etc etc.

I can't actually think of one moment in that film that was even mildly uplifting :/

Any way hope that helps.
