Thursday 17 July 2008

Victim or Suspect??

Due to research i have found out that most teenagers say that they only carry weapons for their own safety. Constant reports of knife crime within the media is causing a moral panic and forcing more teens to carry knives in aid of their protection. During research i have found an interesting term to sum up what this issue is. (click here to find out more). The UK government is trying to reduce teenage knife crime by running a new series of poster advertisements with the slogan "If you carry a knife you're more likely to get stabbed yourself". Hopefully alerting teens of the danger. If no one carried knives for their protection, there would be no fear for others to carry knives and knife crime rate of would reduce significantly. The campaign features graphic examples of injuries inflicted by knives. Many argue and say this is too graphic to show to teenagers but others disagree and say that it will force the message across and allow them to value life more. Even the US may run a similar advertisement campaign but showing disturbing images of injuries caused by gun crime.

The video is below. Watch carefully as one boy is stabbed by his own knife (May be disturbing to some viewers)

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